A Brief Commentary on Decline in Blood Donation Rate among Black communities in England - An analysis
Currently, The England Blood Donation service is in need of blood donations from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities with focus...
ABC v St George Healthcare [2015][2017] - Analysis of the Law
Abstract(1) A client’s father has Huntington’s disease and she has 50% chance of inheriting it. A meeting in 2009 decided not to override...
Advance Directive and USA 预设医疗指示在美国
According to Wikipedia, advance directives were created in response to the increasing sophistication and prevalence of medical...
Definition of Euthanasia 安乐死的定义
It is defined in the broad sense as the direct intentional killing of a person as part of the medical care being offered. Active...
Dignitas and Its Operation
Dignitas was established on 17 May 1998 by Ludwig Minelli in Switzerland. The motto of the organization is ‘to live with dignity, to die...
Euthanasia and the Netherlands - Part I
We need to firstly understand the health care system in the Netherlands before we explain the current situation of euthanasia in the...
Euthanasia and the Netherlands - Part II
Current Legal Situation In the Netherlands, the ‘Normal Medical Practice’ refers to use of drugs to alleviate pain or other symptoms even...
Euthanasia and the Netherlands - Part III
Arguments related to Euthanasia Supporters of euthanasia put emphasis on the principle of autonomy because the state must not do anything...
Health Care System in Hong Kong
This serves the purpose of introducing the structure and organizations of the health care system in Hong Kong. Food and Health Bureau The...
Euthanasia and Advance Directive in Hong Kong
In order to understand euthanasia and advance directive we need to firstly understand the term life-sustaining treatment. It means any...